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Wendy Cabrera Rubio

Aug 13

1 min read



Wendy Cabrera Rubio’s main goal is deconstructing childhood classics. Hear me out. 

When consuming mass media such such as Disney, it can be easy to notice the racist undertones, especially in non-European countries. And that’s exactly what Rubio realized and wanted to change. 

Not all art has to be beautiful like Monet and for Rubio: the message she’s portraying is more telling.

Tres Caballeros (2022) 

Using embroidery and puppets, Rubio manages to showcase imperialism, nationalism, and colonialism. The artist puts them in exhibitions and installations to create a theatrical performance. 

These puppets might seem silly at first, but satire and irony play an important role in criticizing and taking down harmful power structures. Rubio, especially as a Mexican artist, wants to stop the harmful stereotypes seen in the media and instead create bonds between different cultures.

How to Make a Painting Behave like a Painting (2020) with Charlie Godet Thomas 

Through her satirical art, she allows us to reflect on the ugly realities of life and the normalization of the stereotypes. 

Today, Wendy continues to create art and do exhibitions primarily in Mexico to spread her ideas.

Aug 13

1 min read



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